Animated Magical Moments

Animated Magical Moments
by Bruce & Brenda Grantham
Robots on trikes, Beaky the Parrot on Trike, Santa on Trike, Murray the Mini Honey Monster on Trike, Sheridan the Sheepdog on Trike, Brigadier playing Keyboards, Old man playing Keyboards
Beaky the Parrot on Trike, Sheridan the Dog on Trike, Murray the Mini Monster on Trike by Animated Magical Moments      

Animated Robots on trikes available for hire based in Northamptonshire
Animated Magical Moments is brought to you by Bruce & Brenda Grantham based in Northamptonshire.
These delightful little animated robot characters have been all over the world and are back in the UK.
The robots are heavy duty and can be used on almost any ground.
Available for Corporate Events, Corporate Fun Days, Promotional Events, Private Parties, all types of venues. 
Sheridan the Sheepdog on Trike by Animated Magical Moments     Sheridan as Christmas Sheepdog on Trike by Animated Magical Moments     Sheridan the police dog on trike by Animated Magical Moments     Murray the Mini Monster on trike by Animated Magical Moments
  Father Christmas on a trike by Animated Magical Moments        Pumpkin the Pony on a trike by Animated Magical Moments
    Key phrases
Animated Magical Moments,robot, robots, trike, trikes, bike, bikes, keyboard, keyboards, Northamptonshire