
Entertainers who write...
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Joan: Put on a happy face by Carol M Mottershead

 Women are like cats, Men are like dogs, or are they? by Kat Brown

Ships In The Night by Carol M Mottershead

Born to die by Lester Crabtree

Memories Of by Carol M Mottershead 17th Century Historical Fiction

I Know What You Did! by Toni Marie Curry

 The Non-Essential Worker: A Comedian in Lockdown
 Deadly Consequences by Toni Marie Curry
 One Picture Two Hearts by Christy Goss
Let the grieving process begin by Toni Marie Curry
 Cleansing the doors of perception by Brenda Diskin

 Curtain Seldom Up by Colin Bower

 A little bit of spirit by Brenda Diskin 

A Hard Road To Nowhere - The Blitzkrieg Bop Story by John Hodgson

 A little bit of soul by Brenda Diskin 

Nostalgic Nosh by Brenda Diskin

A little bit of mind body and soul by Brenda Diskin

Tales From The Shore and More by Peter Monk

When spirit calls - you answer by Brenda Diskin

The undisciplined witch by Brenda Diskin






Running from Hippos by DB Timmins Juggling for All by Colin Francome and Charlie Holland Illustrated by Ali Bongo Effective Influences by Duncan Stevens  

Ms Gail Thibert Soap The Stamps, Jump The Tube Tales from behind the drum kit by David R Welsh of Five Divide